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Donation notice

The Anne Ramm Foundation is committed to helping people in need. We want to enable people to lead a self-determined life in the middle of society. You can actively support us in this.

The projects and work of the Anne Ramm Foundation are mainly financed through private grants and donations. That is why every donation, no matter how small, is important and welcome. Thank you very much for that!

Our donation account:
Recipient: Anne Ramm Stiftung
IBAN: DE24 1004 0000 0220 6480 00
Purpose: donation

For donations up to an amount of EUR 200.00 you do not need a donation receipt from the tax office, proof of payment in the form of a copy of the bank statement is sufficient.

However, if you would like a donation receipt, please note the purpose of your donation: DONATION, first and last name of the donor (often not the same as the account holder) and your full address. If you are making a company donation, please include the company name.

For donations of EUR 200.00 or more, we always automatically issue a donation receipt. For this we need the above information on the transfer.

Alternatively, you can also request your donation receipt from us by email at with the subject “Donation receipt” or you can use the contact form on this page.

Please tell us the date of your donation as well as the donation amount so that an exact allocation is possible. We also need your first and last name, your address with street and house number as well as post code and city and, if applicable, your company name, should you donate as a company.

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